Placeholder content for this accordion, which is intended to demonstrate the .accordion-flush class. This is the third item's accordion body. Nothing more exciting happening here in terms of content, but just filling up the space to make it look, at least at first glance, a bit more representative of how this would look in a real-world application.

Library & research

I have at my disposal only three means of evaluating human existence:

the study of self, the observation of our fellowmen and books.

(Marguerite Yourcenar, "Memoirs of Hadrian")


The Library of the Accademia Teatro alla Scala was founded for the following purposes:

  • to establish and promote greater awareness and appreciation of the arts and of our cultural heritage;
  • to support independent learning and self-study, providing a scientific basis and cultural depth to educational and professional activities;
  • to provide opportunities for developing one’s creativity and imagination and to offer contemporary and future stage professionals the possibility of always keeping up to date with the latest methods, problems, prospects and issues of interest.


The Library is open to students, teachers, staff and consultants of both the Accademia and of the Teatro alla Scala, as well as to external scholars by special request.  

The following services are offered to its users:

  • assistance with reference sources;
  • books and other materials available for reference only;
  • books and other materials available on loan.


The Library’s catalogue of works comprises specialised texts, sheet music, libretti and audio-visual materials relevant to the artistic and technical professions operating in the field of staged musical performances. The subject matter of the works reflects the areas of interest to the Accademia Teatro alla Scala: Music, Dance, Stage-laboratories, Management, Artistic research, Cultural Cooperation, Education and Dissemination, Career Orientation.  

Also available are WIFI access, a computer with internet connection, two CD players with headphones and a DVD player with video. 


Materials may only be consulted after making an appointment with the Library staff:

Andrea Massimo Grassi, manager -

The staff may also be consulted for reference advice via email, or in person after fixing an appointment, to anyone seeking information on a specific subject (for instance, to students, music teachers, ballet dancers and set and costume designers who are doing research on a particular work).


The Library of the Accademia Teatro alla Scala is at Via Santa Marta 18, 20123 Milan.

A number of reference tools are available at the Academy's Ballet School, via Campo Lodigiano 4, 20122 Milan, including the International Encyclopedia of Dance (Oxford University press), the Universal Encyclopedic Dictionary of Music and Musicians (DEUMM), and opera and ballet librettos of the Teatro alla Scala (through the 2021-2022 season).


Download the  Library Access Regulations and clic here to find out more about the Library heritage.



The Library goes online!

The main search tool and source of reference information on the Library’s collection is the online catalogue of the Servizio Bibliotecario Nazionale (SBN) [National Library Service], which the Accademia has been a member of since January 2014, through the Polo regionale lombardo (Polo LO1) [the Region of Lombardy’s library division].

All books, whatever their origin (whether the result of contributions, research funds etc.) purchased by the library with funds from the Accademia, as well as those donated to it or which it holds after exchanges, are thus catalogued in the National Library Service and may be found at the following addresses:


By going to the ‘Catalogue of the Region of Lombardy’s Library Division’ and selecting the Accademia’s Library (“Library” in the menu), it is possible to do a search solely of the books in that Library’s catalogue. 
The launch of the Library’s online catalogue service has been made possible thanks to the generous contribution of the Sella family.

Find out more about the project for expanding the Library!