class. This is the third item's accordion body. Nothing more exciting happening here in terms of content, but just filling up the space to make it look, at least at first glance, a bit more representative of how this would look in a real-world application.Before enrolling in an Academy course or workshop, download the brochure you are interested in, directly from the course detail page, and read all the information carefully.
In the brochure you will find detailed access requirements and all the attachments you will need to complete your application for admission, as well as information on registration fees.
Furthermore, from the course page you can check whether registrations are open or closed and therefore whether you are within the deadlines for submitting your application.
Once you have done all this, here is how to proceed to register for the selections:
These applications are collected through the YAPTracker portal.
This path is created in partnership with POLIMI GSoM, which makes its platform available for registrations for the selections.
To register for all the other Academy proposals you must access the AOL (Admission Online) platform.
You will first be asked to register on the portal and then to enter the registration application.
ATTENTION: if you wish to register minors, registration on the portal must be done only by one of the parents or legal guardian, other people/relationships are not permitted.
The system is very simple and guides you step by step in the compilation.
There are 5 steps and you can also save the draft application and resume it later - completing everything by the registration closing date:
As always, first check the entry requirements and all the documents you need to prepare to complete the application.
If you need technical assistance on AOL because you are unable to complete your registration due to a temporary bug, you can write to segreteria.didattica@accademialascala.it attaching, if possible, screenshots of the problem.
For assistance on the other two platforms, however, you will find the references in the two portals.