Placeholder content for this accordion, which is intended to demonstrate the .accordion-flush class. This is the third item's accordion body. Nothing more exciting happening here in terms of content, but just filling up the space to make it look, at least at first glance, a bit more representative of how this would look in a real-world application.

Workshop in podcasting


The workshop aims to provide participants with all the skills necessary to ensure technical production and audio postproduction with regard to a podcast project. The purely technical components will be complemented by knowledge related to the elements of authorship (script, narration, direction) and creativity underlying the production project.

The intensive nature of the course of instruction will allow the students to assimilate, in a short time, all the audio techniques and narrative elements necessary for the creation of a quality product, from conception to publication.

Length9 to 13 June 2025
Attendance modeIn person
Mandatory, Monday through Friday from 9.30 a.m. to 1.30 p.m. ad from 2.30 to 5.30 p.m.
Participation fee€ 850
At the end of the workshop, upon reaching 75% of the hours of attendance, the student will receive a certificate of attendance issued by the Academy.
Deadline to apply for 2025May 25, 2025


Andrea Ferrario, sound designer & sound engineer 

Experts in the field


The theoretical-practical study will proceed through focusing on the following objectives:

  • to know and understand the birth, history and evolution of the Podcast;
  • understand the mechanisms of developing an idea;
  • manage and master all technical aspects related to audio production and post-production;
  • acquire a complete picture with respect to publishing platforms, rules and basic legislative elements;
  • acquire techniques for the promotion and dissemination of a Podcast.

The theoretical-practical workshop will involve students in an interactive and accompanied form. Participants will be invited to share reflections and ideas in a way that fosters and encourages teamwork dynamics.


Participants for the duration of the workshop will be provided with all necessary equipment for the implementation of the teaching project.

It is advisable to have personal audio headphones for listening.


To apply, you have to register or login at Academy's Admission OnLine Platform (

Once you have registered or logged in, the system will ask you to enter your personal data and will propose the Contract Conditions for participation, a document which must be signed and re-attached and which contains important contractual details, such as the right of withdrawal.

Once this step is completed, you will be asked to upload your curriculum vitae as detailed into the course brochure (if you haven't already downloaded it, do so now!) Then, you will be asked to pay the admissions participation fee, by credit card or by online bank transfer, directly from the registration screen (the banks of the MyBank circuit are accepted: check first that yours is there too before proceeding).

At the end of these steps, a PDF summary of all the data entered will be generated, which must be signed as indicated and reattached.

At this point, registration is complete and goes directly to the Students' Office.


The Academy has agreements with accommodation, restaurants, theatres, cinemas and other shops, from which students can benefit - by presenting their ID card - or even candidates for selection, by presenting their full registration.