Placeholder content for this accordion, which is intended to demonstrate the .accordion-flush class. This is the third item's accordion body. Nothing more exciting happening here in terms of content, but just filling up the space to make it look, at least at first glance, a bit more representative of how this would look in a real-world application.

Course for lighting designer


The lighting designer course provides you with all the necessary skills to conceive, design and manage lighting systems in indoor and outdoor spaces, for theatre, television, cinema and all other types of events.

Coordinated by the Lighting Design Manager of the Teatro alla Scala, it draws on the experience of leading lighting designers of international renown. The didactic programme - enriched by the Vectorworks module dedicated to the design and realisation of lighting plans - also includes a period of internship at the Teatro alla Scala or other theatres, festivals and organisations involved in the production of live shows.

  • Age between 18 and 35 years old on the start date of the course;
  • secondary school diploma;
  • basic knowledge of Autocad 2D;
  • basic knowledge of electrical engineering and lighting engineering;
  • basic knowledge of the application of light in the sector.
From November 13th 2025 to July 31st 2026
Mandatory in-person attendance
Some practical exercises may take place in the evening or on weekends and some classroom work may be conducted in distance-learning mode.
Mandatory presence, from Monday to Friday, for six hours a day.
Application fee€ 100
Participation fee€ 6.520 - € 6.920

At the end of the course, upon reaching 75% of the hours of attendance and passing a final exam with an overall grade out of thirty, the student will receive:

  • a diploma issued by the Academy;
  • a certificate of competence issued by the Lombardy Region;
  • a workplace safety certificate (duration 8 hours).

Furthermore, the best students, at the sole discretion of the teaching staff and the management, will be issued a certificate of merit from the Academy.

First selection: April 30, 2025
Second selection: September 26, 2025

Theatrical lighting technology

Marco Filibeck, Andrea Giretti, Fabio Rossi

  • interpretation of light plans and different types of shows
  • perspective and the mechanisms of vision, study of shadows and their variations
  • lighting effects in the staging of the stage space
  • perspective diagram of the lighting system of the theater space
  • assistance with lighting tests


Lighting design and stage set-up

Angelo Linzalata

  • case study and analysis of the lighting design process
  • study of the integration between lighting technology, stage space and set-up


Theatrical lighting technology (preparatory)

Mattia Carli

  • basic principles of lighting engineering for live entertainment
  • types of devices (projectors) for theater lighting


Lighting technology in musicals

Valerio Tiberi

  • study of light relating to the application of lighting technology in musicals


Television lighting technology

Daniele Savi

  • the lighting technology functional to the activity of a lighting designer in the entertainment field during the preparation of a television event


Architectural lighting

Elisabetta Campanelli

  • the product technical data sheets: reading of the data and identification of the technical parameters for a correct design approach
  • the perception of space through light
  • design elements and reference standards
  • monumental design and external public spaces
  • design for retail and commercial spaces
  • office design
  • focus: museum lighting


History of light in the theatre




Andrea Giretti and Staff of the Teatro alla Scala Academy

  • Stage practice simulations
  • Creation of a lighting project in a real theatrical context


Console technology

Oscar Frosio, Valerio Tiberi

  • main types of consoles
  • the coded language of the console
  • simultaneous management techniques of multiple control consoles
  • recording techniques on the bench and creation of memories


Projection techniques

Mattia Diomedi

  • video projection systems
  • tools dedicated to video projection
  • audiovisual technologies
  • case studies in theatrical contexts
  • interactions between scene lighting and video projection


Light Art

Paolo Calafiore

  • light as a functional narrative for multimedia installations and works of art


LIVE lighting technology

Giovanni Pinna

  • lighting techniques in LIVE contexts, events and fashion


Stage setup

Ruggero Bellini

  • basic stagecraft
  • elements of theatrical architecture, spaces and services
  • stage characteristics and technical language


Musical education

Andrea Massimo Grassi

  • introduction to the arts, crafts and languages of entertainment
  • study of score, score and theatrical language


Listening guide

Fabio Sartorelli

  • introduction to the history of the work
  • analysis of repertoire works


Job security

Sergio Tasca

  • legislative notes
  • rights and duties of the various company figures
  • work equipment, movements and postures
  • PPE and emergency procedures in workplaces


Professional orientation

Marco Pasotti

  • reconstruction of the student's professional history
  • the curriculum vitae and the cover letter
  • self-promotion skills
  • selection process


Contracts law

Gianfranco Daniele

  • types of businesses
  • characteristics of self-employment
  • the VAT number: from the estimate to the invoicing (fiscal aspects)
  • elements of business management for own business



Rita Cannata

  • analysis and case studies for the creation of a business plan and the design of a work plan for the realization of a live lighting project


Meetings and testimonies

  • guided tours and the support of testimonials from personalities in the sector allow you to learn about the characteristics of different working realities.


Electrical engineering (preparatory) - Electrical engineering (practical)

Massimo Guerci - Gianfranco Toscano

  • the fundamental laws of electrical engineering
  • electrical systems
  • elements of electronics
  • stage and workshop practice


3D design

Ettore Fogliani

  • study of Wysywyg software for the design and creation of light layers in multimedia environments and live entertainment


Digitization and technical documentation for a show

Emanuele Agliati

  • study and analysis of concrete cases in the theatrical field
  • The list of teaching modules and teachers may be subject to change.


DMX language and lighting console programming

Oscar Frosio

  • programming languages
  • DMX protocol, DMX networks, RDM, Ethernet networks (switches and HUBs), IP addresses



Emanuele Agliati

  • study and use of software for theatrical lighting design

The course trains a professional capable of designing and managing the lights of a show or event not only from a technical point of view, expertly using specific software, but also aesthetically, making light a true tool of artistic expression.

The skills acquired are applicable in different working contexts: in addition to the live entertainment and events sector, also in the cinema and television sector.

 To be admitted to the course it is necessary to pass a selection test as follows:

  • a written test, with questions to verify basic knowledge of lighting, stage and electrical engineering;
  • an individual interview, aimed at verifying the candidate's transversal skills, motivations and expectations;
  • a lighting analysis of scene photographs.


Two selection sessions are planned for 2025, both held in Milan at La Scala Academy facilities (via Santa Marta 18): 


The first session will take place between May 19 and 21, 2025 and the deadline to apply is on April 30, 2025


The first session will take place between October 13 and 16, 2025 and the deadline to apply is on September 26, 2025


The invitation, with precise selection date and time, will be sent by the Strudents' Office at the end of the application period.

Anyone who registers for the May session and passes the selection will receive a discount on the tuition fee. Anyone who does not pass the first session can re-enter the second session, losing the right to the discount.


All details on the selections are contained in the course brochure. 




To apply for the selections, you need to register or login to the Academy's enrollment platform (

The system will ask for personal data and will propose the "Terms & Conditions for Participation", a document that must be signed and re-attached and which contains important contractual details, such as the right of withdrawal.

After completing this step, you will be asked to enter the attachments for each course, detailed in the brochure (if you have not already downloaded it, do so now!).


Then, you will be asked to pay the registration fee either by credit card or by online transfer, directly from the same registration screen (banks in the MyBank circuit are accepted: check first that yours is there).


At the end, a pdf will be generated summarising all the data entered, which must be signed and attached.

At this point, the enrolment is complete and goes directly to the Students' Office.



In the event of successful selection, candidates residing outside the European Union must submit the documentation required by law and by the provisions of the Italian Public Security Authorities for non-EU citizens (requesting and obtaining a residence permit for study purposes) by the start date of classes.



Merit loans and student loans. The La Scala Academy has established conventions with credit institutes to provide other forms of financial aid covering tuition and/or lodging to all students in good academic standing.

For further information, please contact the Teaching Office: segreteria.didattica@accademialascala


The Academy has agreements with accommodation, restaurants, theatres, cinemas and other shops, from which students can benefit - by presenting their ID card - or even candidates for selection, by presenting their full registration.

Once the course has been completed, the student can join the Alumni Accademia La Scala community, a platform that provides the Academy's alumni with a range of services, including job offers, continuing education content, event proposals, conventions and reserved discounts - as well as fostering relations between alumni.

From May 5-16, 2025, the Academy is offering a preparatory workshop to the Lighting Designer Course, which will take place online. Those who score 29/30 or higher at the end of the workshop will be admitted to the course-if they intend to attend it-without having to take the selections.