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More than 60 new talents, every two years

The training project of the Orchestra dell'Accademia Teatro alla Scala accompanies young musicians on their future professional career by offering them, over a two-year period, a complete preparation in the symphonic, opera and ballet repertoire.

The teaching programme includes orchestral (Pietro Mianiti, Principal Lecturer) and ensemble (Marco Angius, Principal Lecturer) exercises, individual instrument lessons, chamber music and sectional rehearsals held by the First Parts of the Teatro alla Scala Orchestra.

This is flanked by an intense artistic activity, in Italy and abroad, under the guidance of some of the world's most authoritative and renowned conductors, often in collaboration with the other artistic ensembles of La Scala's School, from the soloists of the Academy for opera singers to the chorus and the dancers of the Ballet School. The orchestra has the opportunity to perform first and foremost at the Teatro alla Scala, which not only hosts it annually for an opera included in the programme, but also calls upon it for some productions of the Corps de Ballet and for numerous concerts.

Among the operas and ballets to be staged at La Scala between 2007 and 2023 are Così fan tutte, Le nozze di Figaro, L'occasione fa il ladro, L'italiana in Algeri, Don Pasquale, La scala di seta, Sogno di una notte di mezza estate, Giselle, Onegin, Histoire de Manon, Il barbiere di Siviglia, Die Zauberflöte, Hänsel und Gretel, Ali Baba e i quaranta ladroni, Gianni Schicchi, Prima la musica e poi le parole, Rigoletto, Il matrimonio segreto.

Added to these are the works of the "Grandi Spettacoli per Piccoli" (Great Performances for Children) project, which between 2014 and 2022 proposed well-known titles from the repertoire in a reduced version to bring school-age children and young people closer to musical theatre. In the 2022/'23 season, the Teatro alla Scala entrusted students with a new opera for children, Il Piccolo Principe ("The Little Prince"), inspired by the famous story by Saint-Exupery, commissioned from Pierangelo Valtinoni with a libretto by Paolo Madron. Furthermore, in 2018 the Orchestra accompanied the Bol'šoj Ballet Company at La Scala in La Bayadère and in 2019 the Tokyo Ballet company. 

More recent engagements include in 2021 the concert held on the occasion of Italy's National Day at ExpoDubai2020, in 2022 the concert with which the 50th anniversary of the Fondazione Bonino-Pulejo and the 70th anniversary of the Gazzetta del Sud were celebrated at the Teatro Vittorio Emanuele in Messina, in the presence of the President of the Republic Sergio Mattarella, and in 2023, together with the soloists, chorus artists and dancers of the Accademia, at the Royal Opera House in Muscat, Oman, the performance of Le nozze di Figaro in Giorgio Strehler's famous staging, revived by Marina Bianchi, as well as La fille mal gardée in a new choreography by Frédéric Olivieri at the Teatro alla Scala.




The young teachers who make up the current staff
Nationalities of provenance
The average age

Tour Fragments

The Academy Orchestra conducted by Fabio Luisi


Conductors have included artists such as Roberto Abbado, Marc Albrecht, Giovanni Antonini, John Axelrod, Roland Böer, Paolo Carignani, David Coleman, Ottavio Dantone, Óliver Diaz, Placido Domingo, Gustavo Dudamel, Christoph Eschenbach, Diego Fasolis, Vladimir Ivanovič Fedoseev, Iván Fischer, Ádám Fischer, Lawrence Foster, Marco Guidarini, Theodor Guschlbauer, Michael Halász, Manfred Honeck, Fabio Luisi, Susanna Mälkki, Michele Mariotti, Zubin Mehta, Pietro Mianiti, Gianandrea Noseda, Daniel Oren, Evelino Pidò, Sesto Quatrini, Stefano Ranzani, Donato Renzetti, Daniele Rustioni, Mikhail Tatarnikov, Yuri Temirkanov, Lorenzo Viotti, Massimo Zanetti.


The Orchestra has accompanied soloists of the calibre of Francesco De Angelis, David Fray, Herbie Hancock, Olga Kern, Lang Lang, Andrea Lucchesini, Francesco Manara, Fabrizio Meloni, Miriam Prandi, Alessandro Taverna, Simon Trpčeski, Alexei Volodin, Giovanni Andrea Zanon.  


There are numerous theatres, concert societies and festivals of international importance at which the Academy Orchestra has performed, such as Théâtre des Champs-Élysées, Bol’šoj Theatre, Philarmonia of St. Petersburg, Royal Opera House of Muscat, Harris Theatre of Chicago, Strathmore Hall of Washington, Peter Norton Symphony Space of New York, Clarice Smith Performing Arts Center of the Maryland University, Auditorium Richardson of Princeton University, Teatro La Fenice in Venice, Teatro Massimo in Palermo, Teatro San Carlo in Naples, Teatro Petruzzelli in Bari, Teatro Bellini in Catania, Teatro Luigi Pirandello in Agrigento, Auditorium Rai in Turin, Ravello Festival, Ravenna Festival, Kissinger Sommer Festival and Wolfegger Festspiele.