The La Scala Academy is accredited by Regione Lombardia for vocational education and training services – Section B – and registered in the Regional Register with N.455 as of August 1, 2008.

The Academy is UNI EN ISO 9001:2015 certified since 2003 and starting from 2024 is certified UNI/PdR 125:2022 for Gender equality.




Quality is a fundamental element in the Academy’s educational programs.

On the basis of acquired experience, Academy General Management has identified a number of macro-objectives for the Quality Policy:

  • achieve the purposes in the La Scala Academy statute;
  • maintain an outstanding public reputation and leadership in its sector, benefiting from the consolidated support of and giving visibility to Teatro alla Scala, Partners, and Sponsors;
  • consolidation of its stature as international benchmark for the development of the culture of the performing arts;
  • identify the risks and opportunities inherent in Academy processes, accounting for both internal/external elements and the needs and expectations of involved parties;
  • promote continual improvements in the efficiency and effectiveness of internal processes via preventive and corrective measures;
  • maintain an appropriate market position by developing and consolidating partnerships and networks with other national and international institutions and by undertaking ongoing market research to track and develop new trends;
  • train appropriate professional artistic, technical, and organizational figures to support emerging needs in the performing arts;
  • observe binding and voluntary general and sectorial legislation and standards;
  • fulfill requisites formulated by Regione Lombardia and other financial backers as regards indices and limit values in service efficiency/effectiveness, relations with the greater community, logistics endowment, and financial status.

General Management is committed to achieving, consolidating, and further developing the above objectives, which will be reassessed on a regular basis in the General Management’s dedicated review process.


Downloadable document:

UNI EN ISO Certificate 

(Last update: February 17, 2022)

Furthermore, in 2018 the Academy officially became an Institute of Higher Artistic, Musical, and Dance Education, authorized to issue First-Level Academic Diploma (of equal status to a university degree) in the Technique and Teaching of Classical Ballet by Ministerial Decree no. 396 of May 16, 2018 of the Italian Ministry of Universities and Research (MUR).

Holders of a First-Level Academic Diploma are eligible to enroll in two-year and master’s programs in institutions recognized by MUR in Italy and abroad.


Academy administrative organs:


The Student Board has been established with the purpose of involving students in the decision-making and responsibilities of the Academy. Members of the Student Board are elected by students enrolled in the Academic Diploma programs.

The Student Board:

  • has two representatives on the Academic Committee;
  • represents and expresses student opinions and proposals regarding certain aspects of teaching activities and student services. Student evaluations of teaching activities and student services are recorded by the Evaluation Committee with the purpose of improving curricular offerings;
  • establishes its own internal regulations;
  • can interact with national representatives to submit requests to the Italian Ministry of Education, Universities, and Research (MUR).


Members of the La Scala Academy Student Board for the three-year term 2023-26:

Beatrice Boccia, president, member of the Academic Board

Erica Epis, secretary, member of the Academic Board

Gaia Daniello



Downloadable documents: 

Student Board Regulation (in Italian)Minutes of Students Board

Election minutes November 2023 Secretary appojntment minutes



Evaluation functions are performed by a collegial body known as the Evaluation Committee.  

The role of the Evaluation Committee is to assess the results of Academy educational activities and general functions. It drafts an annual report on the activities and functions of the Academy on the basis of general criteria developed by the Italian National Agency for the Evaluation of Universities and Research Institutes (ANVUR) and on the results of regular anonymous student surveys on teaching activities.


Members of the Evaluation Committee:

Federico Cinquepalmi, president
Terrell Stone, extenal member
Nadia Nigris, internal member


Downloadable documents (in Italian):

Report 2021

Report 2022

Report 2023


Below you may download all official documents regarding the general regulations of the La Scala Academy:


Recognition of credits (available in Italian only)

Students’ Handbook


(Available in Italian only)

Survey on Students 2020-21 Survey on Graduating Students 2020-21

Survey on Students 2021-22